What causes procrastination? Lack of motivation is one of them. In order to be more productive and motivate yourself to start working on your task, make yourself comfortable first.
If you have to work on a computer and your chair is uncomfortable - treat yourself with a more comfortable one or take the lap top and sit on the couch (don't do this very often!), prepare yourself a cup of tea or coffee, have some water by your side, put your phone in silent mode, prepare some snacks etc. This preparation will mentally set you up for the upcoming task, knowing that you are all set.
If you wonder how to stop being lazy and procrastinating, the term "reward" is the key. Motivate yourself to complete the tasks and the projects you've been putting off, by rewarding yourself for every completed task, no matter how big or small the task is.
For example, you can split a task, let's say writing an essay into two parts, and reward yourself with something small for finishing half of it, like making yourself a nice cup of tea, but with something bigger when you complete it, like treating yourself with a nice lunch or a nice movie. This, and the feeling of relief once you complete a task, will motivate you even more to continue following this approach.
If you wonder how to stop being lazy and procrastinating, always start with the hardest task. This may not be exactly what you want to hear, but according to many sources it's very effective. Putting off the hardest tasks and "saving" them for later has a negative impact on your productivity, even if the task is small, but let's say, boring or hard. Doing the easier tasks first drains your energy and enthusiasm to do the task you dread to do most.
This is why you should do the task you least, first, so once you finish everything else will seem easier and you will not feel as much pressure.
If rewarding yourself for every completed task doesn't work, try this method which is basically the opposite but maybe even more effective.
For every uncompleted task on time, punish yourself with something that will make you want to finish the task in the future. The punishment should be something that will affect you personally, like turning off and not using your phone for 5 hours for every uncompleted task. Be creative, it will pay off.
What would happen if you don't finish your tasks on time? What will the concequences be? Write down everything that would happen, if you don't complete the work you need to do on time, so that you have the consequences right in front of you.
This will in a way scare you and motivate you to finish whatever it is you're doing, so that you don't suffer the concequences later.
For example, if you don't finish writing the article on time - you will disappoint your boss and give yourself negative points; if you don't do the dishes - your kitchen will smell the next day and your roomate will not like it very much, etc.
Is procrastination a disease? It is not, but it sometimes harms productivity. The "The Nothing Alternative" is a method against procrastination, by the novelist Raymond Chandler. The method is simple - do your work or do nothing for 4 hours. Yes, it sounds simple and it actually is not only simple, but effective too.
Chandler thought of this method because he himself used to be a procrastinator, so every morning he set aside 4 hours to work, or in his case to write. The ultimatum was those 4 hours to be spent writing or literally doing nothing, just sitting there, looking out of the window and thinking. In his own words:
"Two very simple rules:
The rest comes of itself!"
How to stop being a procrastinator? Ask someone to help. Sometimes we need someone to push us, motivate us or simply join us in doing an activity - working, studying, working out etc. This method is basically to find someone (co-worker, friend, neighbour) who can join you when you are doing some task.
For example, you can work on your paper or study for exams with a classmate, go to the gym with a friend etc. This way you will have difficulty in cancelling the study/working sessions since you already have plans and you're not doing it alone. You will also have someone to motivate you and someone to talk to when you take breaks.
Written by a productivity consultant, this bestseller has changed many procrastinator's lives, thanks to the many tips to stop procrastinating. The Getting Things Done book focuses on organization and different organizational methods/systems. Mr. Allen explains that there is no single method for increasing productivity, so he offers different tips and tools which can work for you.
You can buy the new Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity 2015 edition on Amazon.
The Pomodoro Technique (named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer) is a simple method which helps you manage your time efficiently and the only thing it requires is a timer. There are 5 simple steps to follow which also explain the method:
The frequent breaks after the 25 minute sessions will improve your focus and give you the time to go to the bathroom, drink coffee etc., when the time comes.
Do you wonder how to stop being a procrastinator? Announcing your intentions publicly or even telling about them to another person will make you feel more committed in going through with whatever your task/goal is. Once we committ ourselves to doing something in front of another person or persons, we feel a certain ammount of pressure so that we don't embarrass ourselves for not doing it and having to come up with excuses why we didn't do it.
So, tell your friend(s) and family about your goal. You can even announce it on facebook, as that way you will have your own support group and motivation to show results.
Procrastination in a way is a habit, a bad habit which you try to overcome, but are not sure how to stop being a procrastinator, since you're reading this solution. Well, in order to overcome something you need to understand it first, and The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business will make sure you do.
Through many examples and scientific explanations this book explains how and why habits form and how we can change them. Procrastination, like any other habit, once understood can be changed, and that's exactly what The Power of Habit is all about.
You can buy this bestseller that lasted over 60 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller List on Amazon.
This video gives an interesting example of why we procrastinate.
Two groups of students were given an assignment. While the first group didn't have a deadline, the second group had a strict one. It may sound surprising, but the second group who had a strict deadline did way better than the one who didn't. What is the conclusion one can draw from this example? That sometimes we need to trick ourselves to stop procrastinating and focus on the tasks. The tricks are explained in the following video called How to stop procrastinating.
You have to go to the library in the morning to study, but instead you sleep longer, then afternoon comes, and you say to yourself that you're going to go tomorrow instead? You want to hit the gym at 8 a.m. but when the alarm rings you feel like you're not ready and you're gonna start tomorrow?
To motivate yourself more, in order to do your tasks in the morning, prepare everything that you'll need the night before. Let's say you have to go to the library. So, before going to bed, put the books and notes you'll need in your bag, prepare your lunch and put it in the fridge, prepare the clothes that you'll wear, and set two alarms just in case. This way when you wake up in the morning you'll know that everything is ready - you just have to put your clothes on, grab your bag, take your lunch and go.
For most procrastinators starting is the hardest part. When you think about how long the task you need to do will take, you leave it for some other time.
If you have this problem, the 5-minute trick is perfect for you. All you have to do is tell yourself that you will do the task for just 5 minutes, and once those 5 minutes go by you can stop.
So let's say that you want to clean your messy closet. You start to take all the clothes out, you go into it, and the 5 minutes are gone. You can stop, put the clothes back in the closet and start another time, but this trick is great because you might not even want to stop. Once you get momentum and are in that mindset, you will most probably finish the task.
So tell yourself that you'll do the task for just 5 minutes, make this first step and see how it goes, you might even turn this trick into a habit.
Make a list of the most common excuses you use, in order to avoid working on your task/goal/project, so that you can easily recognize them next time you put off a task. Here are examples of some common excuses:
Understand which excuses you use most of the time so that you are aware the next time one of them pops into your head, and makes you want to procrastinate.
If you have some important task/goal/project, and you've been constantly putting it off because something new came up in the meantime, then you are a productive procrastinator. What this means is that you avoid doing the most imortant task you have because of other not as important tasks.
The solution is to say no to the other tasks, especially new ones, and focus on the one you absolutely have to do. It's important to prioritise your work so that you can complete the most urgent and important tasks on time.
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