Depression is a state of mood where people usually feel restless, worthless, listless, afraid that things aren't going to be better. There are many factors that can be the cause of depression, ranging from life events to various health conditions that aren't related to what is happening to us in our daily lives (parasites, viruses, bacteria, tumors,...) . For all of this there is treatment. Depression caused by some alment is easily treatable, and can be gone when the cause is removed, whereas depression caused by some external factors takes longer time to be completely gone. It might require years of therapy and support from friends and family, but with the right care, and some things the person who is suffering from depression can do to make their condition better, the quality of their life can immensely improve.
However, if even that doesn't help, and the person is having suicidal feelings and thoughts, please refer to this page for more solutions.
It is more or less known what can cause depression and how bad depression is, however, it is unknown how long can depression last. Unfortunately, people often tend to withdraw themselves when they feel depressed and that works against them. It might feel tiring and overwhelming to talk to others, to explain how you feel, or generally be around others, but withdrawing will not help, either.
What can help you overcome depression is socialization. Always try to stick to positive people for who you know are not going to be judgmental about your current condition. Surround yourself with people with positive attitude.
Strike up conversations with acquaintances; seek people with similar interests. Socialize in small amounts, every day.
"What can cause depression and how long can depression last?" is what many people wonder. Different circumstances in life may cause depression and how long it can last is only up to you. One way to fight against it is to write all down. Whenever you are feeling down, write it down on a piece of paper or in a book. Write down all negative thoughts and re-read your journal when you are feeling good. This will help you see the situation from another angle. Here are some of the negative thoughts:
Aways try to write those down and read them when you are feeling good, when it is not your judgment speaking without the benefit of your intellect. Never punish yourself for feeling bad.
Can depression kill you? No, it can't, but it can make you stronger. Sometimes, it might feel too overwhelming, too demanding, too hard while being depressed, but exercising can really help you in your battle with depression.
Try hiking, biking, running, swimming, as much as your body allows. Sometimes ten minutes a day will be enough. Sometimes thirty minutes.
Decide on the amount of time you need to complete those exercises.
Body movement is proven to help multiply brain cells, release hormones of happiness and joy, and improve overall health. So bring it on.
Can lack of sleep cause depression? Maybe, but, it certainly can make you feel bad, during the day. Can you be depressed for no reason? That is hard to tell, but usually there is always a reason behind it. Even though depression is making it difficult for you to move or do anything, push yourself to do the things that made you feel good. Make yourself do them. Do only the things that relax and energize you.
Try doing things that used to and still make you happy. Try expressing yourself creatively, through painting, music, drawing, singing, writing...whichever you prefer. Pick up some former hobby you might have had. Just keep yourself busy with the activities, that cause you no stress.
Can depression kill you? No, it can't, if you lead a healthy life and have healthy habits. Healthy habits include some sort of a daily routine, such as going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
Try adopting a healthy diet (plenty of fruit and vegetables; exclude things that contain fat and sugar), and never skip meals. Always make a daily schedule of what you would like to do that day.
Feel free to check this article by Helpguide, discussing about how to have a better sleep in general and a healthier life.
How can you tell if you have depression? An indicator may be a constant bad mood, sometimes for no reason (for more reasons for depression, you may read this article by Beyondlife).
Aside from a natural treatment for depression, you may try making a checklist of positive choices you made for each day. That list may help you feel better and show you that you are worthy and deserve the best and you may always read it, once you are in a bad mood.
How can you tell if you have depression? That is something only a physician can tell. Although depression is in majority of cases associated with the decline in mood, it can also be caused by completely other things that have nothing to do with the external events. It can be a symptom or a result of a medical issue such as a virus, bacteria, or a parasite, or even cancer.
It can also mean some sort of vitamin defficiency in your body (like B12); the dysfunctional thyroid gland, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, stroke.
It might be good for you, therefore, to check with your doctor if everything is alright with you physically first. If it is a depression, the doctor may recommend you a natural treatment for depression, which may be of great help to you.
Can depression make you feel sick? Possibly, it can. To make yourself feel better, you may need to visit a physician. If not even one of the methods of coping and fighting depression is helping you, you might want to consider seeing a therapist. There is nothing to be ashamed of. People usually associate any kind of a visit to a therapist with lunacy, but that is not the case here.
Therapists are there to hear you out, point out their own opinions on the subject, and help you in your fight with your depression. They may also provide you with treatment for different types of depression, including major depressive disorder treatment. bipolar depression treatment, or, they may provide you with a treatment plan for depression, which should be of great help to you.
You might also want to visit a therapist even if your methods of coping are effective, just to make sure and put your mind at ease. Sometimes people who are not subjectively involved with you and your problems can offer innovative and good advice.
For at least fifteen minutes every day, expose yourself to sunlight. Lack of sunlight can acually worsen your depression symptoms.
It is said that doing yoga (as much as your body allows you to, of course), can help you get rid of anxiety, stress, hostility, and other symptoms of depression. So, give it a try! Here are some yoga positions that might help you.
Try these relaxation techniques. With them, you should be able to at least get a bit of a relief from symptoms of depression and stress.
Although nothing can be comapred to real human contact, try adopting a pet and caring for them. They can offer companionship and joy. On more about pets and their healing abilities, visit this page.
Sometimes, sharing experience with other people on the issue you share can help you out in figuring out how to solve your own problem. People in support groups have been though similar things like you, can understand you better, and offer their view on the matter, or even some good advice.
Besides, it feels good to be able to vent to somebody who can understand you the best. So ask your doctor, and ask around, for such groups in your vicinity.
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