Hair loss is never a pleasant experience. It can be caused by many things, such as a condition/illness, or something that you genetically inherited. It can be caused by the lifestyle you're leading... See all
Everyone loses some hair on a daily basis (about 40 to 100 hairs). It varies from person to person, but it's nothing unusual. It is natural, while washing or brushing your hair, that some of them fall out. However, if your hair loss is excessive, that is, the entire strands fall from your head every day, you might consider checking it with the doctor and he/she will tell you more about what causes hair loss in women or men, as the causes may be different.
One of the causes of sudden hair loss in women is the constant usage of coloring chemicals, which leads to a serious damage of your hair. You shouldn't color your hair more often than every 6 weeks. But, the best way to protect your hair is not to use the hair dye at all!
Get used to your natural color, it's not that hard. :)
Bleaching your hair affects your natural pigment. By bleaching your hair you are changing its structure and making it more sensitive to damage.
Try to avaid bleanching you hair or at least do it once every three months, if you really have to.
In the majority of cases, hair loss is nothing to worry about. However, sometimes it may point to an underlying illness. If you suspect that this is the case, visit your doctor immediately. In any case, see a doctor regularly for illness prevention.
If your hair loss has rapidly increased with no reason, do not self medicate to avoid drastic side effects.
Proteins are essential if you want to have strong hair and their deficiency can lead to its dryness, general lack of quality, and loss. However, you can prevent this by eating foods that contain proteins. Proteins provide you with amino acids necessary for healthy hair.
You can find proteins in food such as soy, lean meats, or fish. For ones who are vegetarians, it is recommended to eat whole wheat white bread, tempeh, tofu, peanut butter, brown rice, lentils, quinoa, nuts, seitan, beans, and broccoli.
Unfortunately, the causes of hair loss in women and men are sometimes unknown, however, regular hair washing is proven to be an effective method for hair loss prevention. It prevents infections and the appearance of dandruff, which can damage it greatly.
It is not recommended that you wash your hair on a daily basis. Rather than that, do it, for example, every other day.
Many people ask themselves "does stress cause hair loss?" or "what causes hair loss?" etc. The answer, unfortunately, can sometimes remain unknown. But, one thing is for sure - vitamins are such a blessing for our bodies! They improve, basically, every bodily function. But, be careful not to take too much of them, because taking too much of some vitamins can definitely bring harm. When it comes to the vitamin A in particular, do not take too much of it, because that will result in the opposite way, i.e. that will make the hair fall out. Here is the list of the vitamins and where you can find them:
Vitamin A encourages a healthy production of sebum (biological skin fat) in the scalp of your head.
Vitamin E is good because it improves and encourages blood circulation in the scalp, thus providing the folicles (parts of skin which produce hair) with nutrients.
Vitamin B is good for your hair because it helps your hair maintain a healthy color.
Vitamin C is good because it helps your body with the production of collagen (the substance that makes your hair stronger). The deficiency of this vitamin reflects in the excessive dryness of your hair, or even its loss.
If you don't want to know about using hair loss shampoo for women or men, and you are willing to try natural hair loss remedies for women or men, try rubbing your scalp with a vegetable juice. You can make one with a) garlic, b) onion, or c) ginger. Pick one of the juices, rub it on your scalp and leave it overnight. Then, rinse it off in the morning. Repeat this process regularly, for a week, and the results will hopefully present themselves.
Note: You should use only one of these juices. Don't mix them.
If you want to avoid hair loss products for women or men and if you want to try herbal remedies for hair loss in women and men, consider rubbing green tea into your hair. Green tea contains antioxidants which can prevent hair loss and help with the growth of your hair. Here are the steps you should take:
It may take a while for you to see results, however, but they should, if you practice this regularly.
A hair loss shampoo for women and men is what you can try to fight against hair loss. One such shampoo is Boitin Shampoo, which contains many nutrients good for hair growth and maintenance, such as zinc, rosemary extract, argan oil, coconut oil, green tea extract, etc. It also contains DHT blockers (DHT is a hormone that can be the reason why you're losing hair); they will remove any DHT and prevent the creation of more of it.
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Instead of trying unproven natural hair loss remedies for women or men, or even other hair loss products for women or men, consider trying the Pura D'Or shampoo. Pura D'Or does not contain any harmful chemicals for your skin. It contains various nutrients for your hair to stay healthy and any damage to be reversed (it has argan oil, niacin that increases blood circulation, biotin that strengthens hair, among other things). It also blocks DHT (the hormone responsible, in some cases, for hair loss).
This review is part of Solutionbay product reviews and may contain affiliate links (read more).
Many people may ask themselves "what causes hair loss in women?" Unfortunately, the exact causes of hair loss in women and men are sometimes unknown. A good hair loss solution for man or woman can be a hair-growth shampoo. Hair Growth Therapy Shampoo with Orgainc Argan Oil is one of them, and contains many DHT blockers (DHT is the hormone that makes your hair fall out), such as argan oil, caffeine, keratin, biotin, etc. It also stimulates growth and protects the hair from further damage. It doesn't contain allergens such as parabens (a chemical used in hair products that can cause allergy in some people).
This review is part of Solutionbay product reviews and may contain affiliate links (read more).
Unfortunately, sometimes it remains a mystery what causes hair loss in women and men. But, it is known that there are herbal remedies for hair loss in women which can slow down or even stop this process. Below we've collected most common natural remedies that might help:
1. Oil mask for hair loss
Rub the skin of castor or burdock oil, carefully massage the head, put a poly bag on your hair. After 30 minutes, rinse hair with warm water.
2. Nettle rinse
Pour 100 g nettle leaves with 400 ml of six percent vinegar and 300 ml of water. Leave it for 5 hours and rinse your hair every time you wash it.
3. Egg yolk
Apply to scalp a mixture of several yolks separated from whites, carefully rub. After a half an hour, rinse hair with the decoction of peppermint.
4.Take the roots of burdock (20 grams), hop cones (20 grams), rhizome (10 grams) and cover them with a liter of water, bring that to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. Drain the broth and wash your hair with it 3 times a week.
5. Dissolve in one liter of water two tablespoons of honey. Wet your hair with honey water and rub into the scalp. It should be done twice a week.
6. If you have noticed a radical hair loss, try the following: rub the juice of fresh yarrow into the scalp twice a day, over the period of two weeks.
The answer to the "does stress cause hair loss" question is not always known. Maybe it's a genetic hair loss, maybe a hair loss as a result of bad habits, or due to another reason. A good hair loss solution for man and women includes the Art Naturals Organic Argan Oil Hair Loss Shampoo. You can use it for hair (re)growth as an ordinary shampoo in entirety. It is 100% natural and it consists of argan oil (nourishes the hair follicles), DHT blockers (DHT is the hormone responsible for hair loss, in some cases), and is rich with some other essential vitamins, such as vitamin E, that can help your hair grow and become stronger. It is convenient for both men and women.
This review is part of the Solutionbay product reviews and may contain affiliate links (read more).
Massaging the scalp (daily) with essential oils for a couple of minutes can be a good female and male hair loss treatment as it increases good circulation in the scalp and it keeps your hair follicles active.
To enhance the effect of the massage, add a few drops of lavender oil on your scalp. You can also use essential almond oil, or sesame oil base.
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