Read The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. It will answer all your questions about meditation, how and why it works, what method is the best for you, etc. You can buy it here.
You can meditate while driving your car or while walking or doing anything else. All you need is keeping your back straight and being concentrated on some object or objects like people around you, sounds you hear, your own breath, etc. It really works and no one will even understand that you are meditating.
You can try dynamic meditations, especially if you love dancing or if you get bored quickly while sitting in a meditative pose. For example, Osho kundalini, it's one of the most popular.
You can practice it alone or with a group, there are a lot of the dynamic meditation classes, find one in your area.
Make short sessions of meditation. If you practice regularly, you will see soon that you become calmer and it's easier for you to sit in a meditative pose for longer.
Look down while preparing to the meditation, it will make your mind calmer. Then you can be more concentrated for any method of meditation you want to practice today.
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