Massage is one of the stress management techniques. If you know a good massagist, make an appointment today. If no, ask your friends or find one on the internet.
You can't even imagine how much past experience your muscles keep in themselves. Massage is one of the best ways for getting rid of them. You will feel much more relaxed after it.
The effects of stress on health are not good, which is why you should forget about it as soon as possible. You can try a relaxing self-massage for reducing short time stress. You can find some nice techniques of it in a special article from WHY.
What does stress do to your body? Nothing good, that's for sure. This technique will lover your stress level quite quickly and you will be able to act normally again. Whenever you are feeling stressed, try to make your breathing out longer than your breathing in and count while doing them. Make ten breaths like this and you will feel much relieved.
Feeling stressed? Once you feel stressed for some reason, try to think what you would like to do right now, something that is just for you. It can be an ice cream, a hot bath, walking in the park, visiting a museum, etc. Do it right now and you will forget about your stress.
Life is so fast and there must be for sure a friend that you really love but whom you haven't seen for years. Now it's time to reach him or her and to meet for a cup of coffee and talk. You can remind yourselves of the old stories and tell the news to each other. It will be so interesting and exciting and it will give you so many positive emotions that your stress will become much easier to deal with.
Ask your friends what book they would recommend you to read and start reading it. Books are great for relaxation and getting away from all the problems.
A hot bath will take away the tension in your body and you will become much more relaxed. It works great for short time stress but you need you be sure that your blood pressure is not high, otherwise you can feel dizzy.
Talking to a friend is one of the best stress relief tips, for the both of you. All friends are great, but there are ones that can be the most helpful when you need to get relieved from stress. Those are your friends who listen to people carefully and speak less than listen. Remember, which of your friends are like that and talk to one of them.
Natural remedies for stress include herbal teas, as they are wonderful for relaxation. If you feel stressed for some reason, find such tea with the best aroma for you, in a grocery store, and make a hot cup of it. It will cheer you up and relax your body and mind.
Also, you can buy special Yogi tea for stress relief on Amazon for relieving future stress.
Place a warm heat wrap or cloth around your neck and shoulders for 10-15 minutes. Close your eyes and try to relax your face, neck and shoulders.
This technique will help you to calm down and get relieved after a temporary brain stress.
Don't zone out in front of your TV or laptop, if you are in pursuit for stress and anxiety relief. It will only take you deeper in the stress whirpool and you will feel tired all the time. Better go for a walk or play with your cat, etc.
Such a small and easy thing like dancing can relieve your short-time stress in several minutes. Play something that you really enjoy listening to and dance. Try to dance with closed eyes - sometimes it works even better.
It can be your favourite band or something you used to enjoy several years ago. Just try different tracks and find some that really touch your soul in a positive way.
Nature is an amazing and wise healer for souls. So if you feel stressed all the time make a rule for yourself to spend at least one hour per day in nature, where you can't hear any vehicles. Just breathe, look and listen. You will feel much more relaxed after it. If you just got a short time stress, go somewhere right now and you will feel happy and relaxed again.
Playing a competitive game with your friend or friends is how to relieve stress. It will give you a lot of positive emotions and distract you from stress.
Make a dinner for you family and/or friends. Cook something you've never cooked, make the process artistic and interesting. It will turn you away from the thoughts about your problems and when you will eat this dinner with your close people it will give you even more positive emotions.
Valerian is a herb that has sedative qualities - it reduces stress and its associated physical effects very good. But don't take too big doses of it, as it can cause some side effects. You can buy valerian in any pharmacy store or order it on Amazon.
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