Make different cream soups, smoothies and other fluid dishes as you can drink more than you can eat even if your drink has more calories. Use it for gaining weight, especially if you have a lack of appetite for some reason.
When you drink water before your meals, you may tend to eat less. And the less you eat, the less weight you'll gain. So better drink water only after eating.
If you've lost your appetite, maybe you don't get enough vitamins and minerals. Get them from special supplements, they must contain vitamin B and Zinc as they are the best for increasing appetite.
Even if you have a lack of appetite there must be foods that you really love. Choose them when you go to grocery store or to a restaurant and you will eat more than if you would be eating usual food.
There are special weight gain pills that increase your appetite very much. You can try EatmorMAX Appetite Stimulant. It is good for both, man and women.
If you have a lack of appetite, you get full very quickly. So better eat smaller portions but more often. There is a chance that you will fool your mind and won't feel too full but will eat more food per day.
Eat in a good company when you have a chance. If you have a good time while talking and eating, you don't concentrate on the quantity of food you eat, so you won't get full to early.
Marijuana has great medical parameters against depression, insomnia, anxiety and lack of appetite. It increases appetite so much that you can eat 500-600 calories more easily. If it's legal in your country, use it for gaining more weight.
If you have a lack of appetite and you get full fast, try to eat only foods high in calories and forget about low calory meals. For example, if you have an egg and an apple, choose the egg, you will get full as well as you would get full with an apple, but you will get more calories.
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