What is error 4014? What are its causes? How to fix it?
iPhone, iPad, iPod touch could not be restored - an unknown error occurred (4014) is an error that appears when you try to restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch in iTunes, but the attempt failed. It can also happen when you try to upgrade the iOS version of your device.
The most common reasons behind this error are:
Discover our detailed and step-by-step solutions to fix this iTunes error message and restore or upgrade your device successfully.
An outdated version of iTunes may result in the error 4014. Update iTunes and make sure to always keep it up to date, either via iTunes itself or by downloading it from Apple's website.
To check for updates manually:
There is a small possibility that the USB port where you plugged in the USB cable is broken, or perhaps a part on the motherboard which processes data from this USB port is damaged. This would prevent the strong link between your computer and the mobile device. Plug the USB cable in a different USB port on the computer and try again.
Note: If you use a desktop computer, plug the USB cable in one of the USB ports on the back side of your computer, which are part of the motherboard, because it is possible the front USB ports are disabled in BIOS, or the link between them and the motherboard is broken.
If you get this error and you aren't sure how to approach it and fix it, contact Apple's support team, and they will help you diagnose and fix the issue. What you need to tell them is the error message you see on your screen, i.e.
iPhone, iPad, iPod touch could not be restored - an unknown error occurred (4014)
You can contact Apple's support staff online, any time, via getsupport.apple.com
In order for you to open Messenger, play Youtube videos or use any other app, a list of tasks is taking place in the background. If one of those tasks has frozen, errors like this one can occur. Force-restarting your device will restart all the processes, and should fix this error.
To force-restart your device, press and hold the home button and the power on/off button, until the Apple logo appears.
The lightning cable is made of a few thin wires, each of which serving its own purpose. If at least one of those wires is cut, then the communication between your computer and the iOS device won't be established properly. Maybe your USB lightning cable is the reason for the unknown error 4014 in iTunes. To test this, find another USB cable and repeat the same process. If it went well, consider buying a new USB cable.
Note: Make sure to purchase accessories from Apple's authorized stores only, as fake accessories may lead to more issues on your device.
It is possible that the error 4014 is a result of the damage caused by malware that found its way to your computer's files, especially to the iTunes-related ones. In order for iTunes to do its tasks, it needs all the accompanying files, intact. Scan your computer for malicious software with an antivirus or antimalware software and remove every single threat, if the antivirus/antimalware detects one. Removing the virus is just one small step. What you should really focus on reducing the risk of viruses entering your computer again. To do so:
Learn more about how to protect your computer and how to clean it from viruses and other forms of malicious software through the easy-to-follow Computer virus protection guide.
For a connection to be established between your computer and iOS device, the small gold plates of the lightning port should touch the corresponding plates on the lightning cable, and the plates on the computer's USB port should touch the plates of the lightning cable. Believe it or not, dirt, in any form, can prevent a stable data transfer, which can result in corrupted, incomplete files, as well as error messages. Maybe your computer's USB port or iOS device's lightning port (or both) are dirty.
If this is the case, all you need to do is to grab a cotton swab, sip a small amount of rubbing alcohol on it and then gently clean the USB and lighthing ports. Wait until the alcohol evaporates (up to a minute) and then try restoring your device again.
You should always update the operating system, so that you improve the device's performance and eliminate bugs in the previous version of the operating system. Usually, the updates are downloaded and applied automatically, but sometimes this may not take place. Sometimes, updating, instead of restoring your device can help you fix issues.
To update to the latest version, go to Settings -> General -> Software Update -> Tap on Download and Install (if an update is available).
Note: When you are updating your device, make sure that it won't run out of battery power, because if it does, you may cause an irreversible damage to the device. To prevent this, connect your device to the charger.
Also, make sure to use a stable Wi-Fi connection (and not mobile data), in order to avoid additional costs.
You may also update your device via iTunes, following the instructions in the video below:
Before you can restore your device, or update its operating system, iTunes needs to download the required files from Apple's server. In order for that to take place, your computer needs to be connected to the Internet. Stable internet access is needed for almost every process you do on your iOS device (e.g. updating, restoring, etc.). Unstable internet connection may result in, for example, incorrectly downloaded (corrupted) update files needed for your device, and lead to error 4014, among the rest.
Make sure that your internet connection is reliable and fast before performing any action on your iOS device. You can try the tips below:
Click here to discover more tips on improving your Internet speed and reliability.
In order for the operating system to work correctly, it needs free storage space. Even though the system has space allocated on your device for that purpose, every update you install on your device would take more and more of the storage. If your device is short of free space, the operating system won't be able to work as expected. In this case, you will need to delete or transfer to another location as many unnecessary files as you can. For example, you can move the photos you don't need, videos, music, and other documents.
Feel free to check the running out of disk space / no space left guide on how to free up space.
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