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How to fix Windows update error 0xc80003f3 (Nothing else worked)

What is error 0xc80003f3? What is it caused by? How to fix it?

This error appears when the latest available Windows update fails to install on a Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 PC, with the main reason being a full RAM (Random Access Memory).

The most common reasons behind this error are:

  • Weak RAM;
  • Too many programs running in the background;
  • A stuck, non-responsive program or process;
  • Corrupt Windows update files;
  • Antivirus software;
  • Corrupt system files;
  • Malicious software.

Check out the hand-picked solutions below, based on expert opinion and user feedback, to fix this Windows update error. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully, too.

Select specifications which apply:

Click on this if your computer runs on Windows 8.1.

Click on this if your computer runs on Windows 10.

Click on this if none of the other solutions worked.

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