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How to fix Windows update error 0x80070005 on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 (Nothing else worked)

What is error 0x80070057? Why does it occur? How to fix it?

Error code 0x80070005 is an error that occurs when one wants to update Windows to the latest version, install or update apps through Windows store, or install or activate Microsoft Office. It interrupts processes that are necessary for Windows to work at its peak performance, and also, to keep your data safe. Basically, this error can slow down Windows, block you from using apps, and lead to data loss, unless you fix it on time.

Among the main causes of error 0x80070005 are: 

  • Lack of required system permissions;
  • Malicious software (viruses) that infiltrated the system files;
  • Lack of sufficient permissions to access a shared folder;

The detailed, step-by-step solutions listed below are based on hours of online research, as well as the contribution of users who have been dealing with this error.

Important: Before, trying the solutions out, make sure to make a backup of your data, as the causer of this error (especially if it's a virus) may make your system unstable, or even crash it, resulting in data loss. Click here if you are not sure how to make a backup.

Select specifications which apply:

Click on this if your computer runs on Windows 7.

Click on this if your computer runs on Windows 8.1.

Click on this if your computer runs on Windows 10.

Click on this if none of the other solutions worked.

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