There are plenty of different websites accepting credit cards as a payment method. Even though credit cards are an ordinary payment method almost everywhere in the world, you should always make sure your type of card is accepted in order to avoid being declined by the seller's bank.
If your credit card payment was declined, you should check the type of your card (Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, American Express or other).
Expiry date shown on the card is very important date. If your payment was declined, make sure your card is not expired.
Therefore check expiry date which is always shown on the front side of your card, where the long 16-digit card number is found.
The transaction may be declined being approved because credit card holder's credit limit is reached, or the attempted transaction would go over the limit. Please make sure there is enough funds or there is no limit on your credit card.
The simplest way to get rid of this problem is to call the credit card issuing bank (the number is usually found on the back side of the credit card) and ask to increase the credit limit. Then wait several minutes for the higher limit to be applied and try to make a payment again.
It is essential that information like card number, expiry date, and other requested information is entered exactly as it is registered when making an application for credit card. Otherwise, your transaction will be denied.
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