If the bee/or wasp problem is beyond an occassional couple of bees/or wasps flying around the garden and it has become difficult to go about your day-to-day activities without having to fend them off and/or you've already removed the nest but they keep returning and rebuilding, it might be time to call a professional bee/wasp removal service. It would be the safest and most efficient option to get rid of them once and for all.
Terminix has over 865 locations worldwide and offers bee/wasp removal/extermination services. Find an exterminator here.
It is important to read labels and warnings before using any chemical around your house and/or children and pets. There are many brands on the market that claim to eradicate wasps, bees, and hornets.
Spectracide is found on Amazon and a few select home & garden stores should carry it. It should be used when children and pets are not around but has great reviews and a jet spray of 27 ft which is good because you would want to be able to be as far away from the nest as possible when spraying as they could become aggressive and attack. You can buy it here.
Raid is a trusted brand with an excellent product for killing wasps/hornets and bees, but it isn't safe to use around pets and children. It has excellent reviews and Raid is available at most retail stores like Target and Walmart.
Don't wear perfume/or fragrance including lotion and scented deodorant. Bees and wasps are attracted to things that smell like flowers, so don't smell like one!
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