Barking is a dog's way of communicating and often we know its cause, but sometimes it's difficult to determine. So, in order to get your dog to stop barking, you first need to determine the type of barking and its meaning.
Your dog should be rewarded for good behaviour to let him know that he's doing something right.
Next time your dog barks ignore him until he stops, and 1 minute after he has calmed give him a treat. This way your dog will know that he will receive a treat only when he's not barking, so repeat this process for a couple of days/weeks.
If your dog barks at passersby or other animals that he can see from your house, you should limit what he sees by putting curtains or blinds on your windows.
If your dog is in the yard, then keep him inside the house while you're away, or you can modify your fence so that it's not see-through where most cars and/or people pass by.
Barking is a dog's natural way of communicating, but excessive barking is a problem for many dog parents. In order to control your dog's barking you can teach him the bark and quiet command using just a clicker and your dog's favorite treats. After a couple of 20 minute sessions (it can take you days or weeks, depending on your dog and how you teach him) you can quiet your dog down when he's barking incessantly.
This video explains how you can teach your dog to stop barking using a clicker that you can buy here.
Behaviour correction sprays are very effective products that stop a dog's bad behaviour and excessive barking. The way they work is through the patented pheromones they contain which provide safe and secure feeling to your dog. You can use them when you're home and your dog is excessively barking, but also when you're away - just spray the area/room where your dog is before you leave (works for dogs who have separation anxiety).
Here you can buy the Sentry Stop That spray and read the reviews.
The behaviour correction collars work just like the behaviour correction sprays - the patented pheromones they contain provide safe and secure feeling to your dog and calm him down. The beauty of the collar is that it can be used in stressful sitations, like going o the vet, or if your dog is not socialized when introducing him to other dogs.
Here you can buy and read more about the Sentry calming collar.
If your dog barks at external sounds (cars, children playing outside, passersby etc.) while alone in the house, it's best if you leave the TV or radio on so that the sounds coming from outside do not distract him. This way your dog will be surrounded with sounds that he's already accustomed to when you're home(works also for dogs who suffer from separation anxiety) and won't bark at every sound he hears.
If your dog, while in the yard, barks at everything that he sees and hears on the street(passersby, car sounds, other animals etc.), then you should try and train him with a muzzle.
Next time your dog barks excessively while in the yard, go outside, repeat the command 'quiet' and put a muzzle on him. Then ask him to sit, remove the muzzle and give him a treat immediately. You dog should associate barking with the muzzle, and good behaviour with treats, so after a couple of sessions it's likely that he stops barking at anything and everything.
Spray collars are the most humane collars that you can use to control your dog's excessive barking.
They work by releasing citronella spray every time your dog barks, so the unpleasant smell interrupts his bark and lets him know that if he barks again he will have to smell that unpleasant odour, again.
You can buy the PetSafe spray bark collar here.
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